Providing simple, straightforward answers to your iPhone and iPad questions.

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Messages App Icon


  • What is iMessage?
  • Why isn't iMessage working?
  • Can I monitor my child's text messages?
iCloud Icon


  • What is iCloud?
  • How do I enable iCloud?
  • What information should sync between my iPhone and iPad?
Apple ID

Apple ID

  • What is an Apple ID?
  • Can I share an Apple ID with someone else?
  • How do I change my Apple ID?

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Helpful How-To Guides from the iAnswerGuy

These guides provide detailed information with an easy-to-follow approach.


Monitor your child's imessages

This guide explains how to setup an old iPhone or iPad to receive your child's iMessages and SMS text messages. It contains step-by-step instructions with screenshots to help you through the process.

iMessage Monitoring Guide


5 tips to resolve imessage issues

This guide describes some of the most frequently encountered issues with the Messages app and provides some  

Messages Guide


Get the most out of the mail app

This is a straightforward, simple, and easy-to-use guide for anyone that wants to do more with the iPhone Mail app. It will help you send photos to friends, save a draft email, and customize many features of the Mail app to better suit your needs.

Be More Productive with the Mail App

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