How to Monitor Your Child's iMessages
Do you wonder what's happening in your child's life and they just won't tell you?

Our Kids Are Like Us...
They Don't Tell Their Parents Everything
Hi, I'm Ted. As a parent with three kids, I understand the challenges parents face. My two daughters are at the age where they want to start doing things on their own with their friends. Understandably, I have concerns as they venture out into the world on their own. I believe my kids will be fine. However, this is a different world than when I was a teenager.
Text messaging has opened new doors for kids. Unfortunately, it has also created new opportunities for bad things to happen. Bad ideas and bad intentions now travel fast and are easily sent to kids.
In today’s fast-paced environment, parents face a difficult challenge to stay in-touch with their children. You want to stay involved and understand what is happening in your child’s life, but often it is difficult to have a meaningful discussion with your child. With all the crazy things happening in today’s society, it is more important than ever to know your kid’s friends and what they are doing.
Kids spend a great deal of time texting each other. For a parent, having access to your child’s text messages would certainly be helpful. However, it may be difficult to keep up with all the technology kids are using.
Realizing I Needed to Do Something
One day, a co-worker was telling me a story about reading her teenager’s text messages. She found a text from a classmate who was trying to organize a party. Apparently the kid was bragging about taking alcohol from his grandparents and was trying to get a group of kids together for a party. Since my co-worker knew what was happening, she was able to take appropriate action.
My co-worker got lucky to stumble upon the text message. There had to be a more reliable way to view a child's messages.
After hearing the story, I began researching ways I could monitor my kids’ text messages. I found various monitoring apps and monitoring services available on the Internet. Each of the monitoring apps I reviewed had some drawbacks. I also did not want to be stuck paying a monthly fee for a monitoring service.
There had to be an easier way to monitor text messages so I could better understand what is happening in my kids’ lives. Let’s face it; even the best kids don’t tell their parents everything.
If Your Child Has an iPhone,
There is a Simple Solution
Here's the basic process to monitor their iMessages.
You Can Monitor Your Child's iMessages
I developed a plan to use the built-in capabilities of iMessage to monitor my kid’s messages. I have been using this method for several years with great success. I have also helped several friends monitor their kids' messages. There is peace of mind in knowing what they are doing and to know if a potential issue would arise.
Use the Built-in Capabilities of the iMessage System to Monitor Your Child's Messages
If your child has an iPhone, you can easily monitor their messages.
Are You a Little Unsure About Where to Begin?
While some folks may be able to go right out and set up message monitoring, others may need a little more help.
I always hear statements like:
"I don't know how to setup iMessage accounts on the iPhone."
"I'm not tech-savvy. I can't do this."
It's OK if you don't feel comfortable or if you don't think you're not tech-savvy.
If you're unsure about setting up the message monitoring, I have gathered all the information you need and put it into one easy to follow step-by-step guide that will help you monitor your child’s iPhone messages.
Step-by-Step Monitoring Guide
Monitoring Your Child's iMessages and Text Messages
This guide contains 47 pages of easy to follow instructions plus loads of tips and tricks to help you setup iMessage monitoring of your child's iPhone. The guide will walk you through the entire setup process, from beginning to end. It's straightforward and easy to follow, no matter how tech-savvy you are.
** This guide is written for Apple devices such as the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch that use iMessage. It is not intended for non-Apple devices. You will need to know your child’s Apple ID and password to use the techniques described in this guide. You will also need an Apple device to receive your child’s messages.
What People Are Saying About the Guide
“Your text monitoring system is the best thing available...”
“Your text monitoring system is the best thing available for monitoring my child’s phone. It has been an invaluable tool for me to keep tabs on my daughter. I tried “company name deleted” but was very disappointed. Using their monitoring system, I was only able to view her texts after the iPhone backed up to iCloud. Your system allows me to view the text immediately. “Company name deleted” is also expensive and notifies my child every time I log into her iCloud account. I highly recommend your system. It works great!"
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!”
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I really needed to monitor my daughter’s messages because I have caught her lying to me about a serious situation. You have been such a great help. I appreciate it so much!"
“Thank you so much for all your help...”
“Thank you so much for all your help Ted. Your children are lucky. You must be a great dad because you are so patient and understanding. I canceled “company name deleted” because my daughter deletes most if her messages and they are rarely able to recover them. It’s not worth the $15 a month. Thanks again."
Get the iMessage Monitoring Guide Now
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
A paperback version of the book is also available on Amazon here.

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I am so sure this step-by-step guide will work for you, I am offering a 30-day money-back guarantee.
If for some reason this guide doesn’t work for you or you are not satisfied,
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“... all has been working great.”
“Hi Ted, I want to let you know that all has been working great. I have been receiving my daughter’s iPhone messages on an iPod. Thank you for all your advice. I appreciate it."

Ted Mitchell
Author of the iMessage
Monitoring Guide
About the Author
Hi, my name is Ted. I have been using Apple products both personally and professionally since the first Macintosh was introduced in 1984. In that time, I’ve had experience with a variety of Macintosh computers, iPhones, iPads, iPods, and other Apple devices.
I am an engineering consultant with a natural curiosity for all things technical. I'm not an Apple employee. I simply enjoy using Apple products and helping others use their devices to the fullest potential.
Don't Let Your Uncertainty About Technology Stop You from Protecting Your Child
Kids spend a great deal of time texting each other. For a parent, having access to your child’s text messages would certainly be helpful. However, it may be difficult to keep up with all the technology kids are using.
I can help you understand the technology with my step-by-step guide. It clearly takes you through the process to begin monitoring your child’s messages. Each step in the process is written to be easy to follow and has screenshots of the iPhone screen to help you follow along.
If you have any questions about the guide or the setup process, I am available by email to help. Contact me through the iAnswerGuy website to ask questions.
Why Monitor Your Child's iMessages?
People often wonder whether they should monitor their child's messages. In today’s fast-paced environment, parents face a difficult challenge to stay in-touch with their children. You want to stay involved and understand what is happening in your child’s life, but often it is difficult to have a meaningful discussion with your child. With all the crazy things happening in today’s society, it is more important than ever to know your kid’s friends and what they are doing.
You can gain a better understanding of what’s happening in your kids' lives and help keep them safe by monitoring their iPhone messages. Let’s face it; even the best kids don’t tell their parents everything.
Should I Tell My Child They Are Being Monitored?
It’s easy to believe our kids are good and won’t get in trouble, and that may very well be true. However, this is a different world than when we were teenagers. Text messaging has opened new doors for kids. Unfortunately, it has also created new opportunities for predators. Bad ideas and bad intentions now travel at the speed of light.
It is recommended you be upfront with your child and let them know what you are doing. However, it is understandable this may not be possible in all situations. The monitoring guide contains some helpful tips to setup iMessage monitoring if you are not planning to notify your child. The decision on whether or not to inform your child is ultimately up to you and your particular situation.
What Do I Need to Monitor My Child's iMessages?
You will need an Apple device to monitor messages from your child’s iPhone. This device can be an iPad, iPod touch, Mac computer, or an old deactivated iPhone that is no longer in use. You can also use your own iPhone, but I recommend using a dedicated monitoring device separate from your iPhone. The monitoring device will need to be connected to the Internet either with a Wi-Fi network or a cellular data network to receive your child’s messages.
See the Difference
Compare the benefits of monitoring your child's messages vs. not monitoring them.
No Monitoring
Get the iMessage Monitoring Guide Now
** This guide is written for Apple devices such as the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch that use iMessage. It is not intended for non-Apple devices. You will need to know your child’s Apple ID and password to use the techniques described in this guide. You will also need an Apple device to receive your child’s messages.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
A paperback version of the book is also available on Amazon here.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If the guide doesn't work for you or you are not satisfied, simply contact me within 30 days of purchase and ask for a full refund.
Thank you for your support and for using the iAnswerGuy website.
P.S. Order now and start monitoring your child's messages today.
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